4 Experts on the Benefits of Turmeric

Runners Essentials
"The ancient turmeric root is a spice of paramount importance. Thanks to its powerful antioxidant properties and potential for whole-body healing benefits, turmeric is for many people an important daily herbal supplement."

This Mineral is Non-negotiable for Immune Health

Runners Essentials
Immunity is a complex process that relies on various nutrients — chief among them being zinc. Research shows that zinc plays a role in multiple aspects of your immune system. But how, exactly, does zinc support your immunity, and how do you know if you're getting enough? Let's dive in.

5 Benefits of BCAAs and How They Improve Your Recovery

Runners Essentials

Rebecca Strong • This article was medically reviewed by Samantha Cassetty, MS, RD, a nutrition and wellness expert with a private practice based in New York City. Medically Reviewed BCAA supplements can be found in a powdered format which...

How to Harness the Pain-Blocking Effects of Exercise

Runners Essentials

Alex Hutchinson • Exercise causes pain, but it also dulls it. Researchers are still trying to understand how that works. Athletes have a very complicated relationship with pain. For endurance athletes in particular, pain is an...

10 Ways To Train Like A Tokyo Olympics 2021 Athlete

Runners Essentials

Jan Cortes • Training like a professional athlete is hard. However, this shouldn't dishearten you from trying it out. As the Olympics have recently started, now's a fun time to get active. While there’s no gold medal waiting...

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